News, Comment & Analysis results for John Hopkins University

June 27, 2022

Private Equity Billionaire Couple Make Harvard Big Gift – Media

The creation of an institution focused on the highly fashionable and wide-ranging themes of climate

May 12, 2021

Bloomberg Continues Big Gift Trend, Focuses On STEM

Bloomberg's $150 million funding for the program is another example of the big gift trend within

March 3, 2021

Michael Bloomberg Takes Another Turn On Big Gifts Wheel

The move is another case of the sort of big gifts made in modern philanthropy. They can raise

December 15, 2020

Investment World's Gabelli Continues "Big Gift" Trend

There remains a strong trend in North America and certain other parts of the world of UHNW

April 8, 2020

Philanthropy Surges In Fighting Pandemic

Visit the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation website and the first message that greets you is “All

March 24, 2020

NYC's Coronavirus Fight Highlights Big Gift Philanthropy Trend

Medicine has often been at the center of large monetary and real-asset gifts in philanthropy, and

February 4, 2020

Bloomberg Pushes Tax Hike Agenda Amid Presidency Bid - Media

Styled as one of the more moderate candidates running for office, media tycoon and former NYC mayor

December 2, 2019

The Giving Season: A Walk Through Philanthropy

This month we look at philanthropy and in a series of articles will delve into the sector. Here's

November 5, 2019

Billionaire Family Continues Big Philanthropy Trend

This publication brings another example of large-scale philanthropy involving a US academic

February 14, 2019

Canada Sets Academic Philanthropy Record

A Canadian business tycoon has added to the list of record-breaking philanthropic gifts to academic

Comment & Analysis results for John Hopkins University