FWR Family Office Cybersecurity, AI Summit – The Report

A range of industry experts cast their eye over cybersecurity programs, the role of AI in the family offices/wealth industry, the impact of new tech on physical security and building resilience are topics addressed in this publication.
The publisher of this news service is delighted to issue a report following the Family Wealth Report Family Office Cybersecurity and AI Summit, held in New York earlier this year. The 24-page document carries articles from industry experts.
As readers know, the recent outage involving Microsoft and CrowdStrike, hitting airlines, banks, healthcare providers and payments systems around the world, while not necessarily caused by a malicious attack, is perhaps further evidence of the vulnerabilities of modern tech, and will prompt family offices to think about resilience.
Family offices cannot afford not to spend time and resources on guarding against cyberthreats. Although AI also brings potential problems – it offers a range of solutions and opportunities for the sector. There are many positives.
The summit, held in New York, gave family office practitioners an opportunity to chew over ideas in a convivial setting. Part of FWR’s value for our audience is creating a platform on which people can share ideas.
The document contains the following articles:
Archimedes' Lever – AI and the age of infinite
leverage – Chris Wake, of Atypical;
The intersection of cybersecurity and physical
security – Tom, Aldrich, of 360 Privacy, Lisa
Gelles, Howard Insurance, and Kate Norris, Atténuer
Hacking People – Cybersecurity, reputations and
AI – Mykolas Rambus, Hush;
The use of AI in creating social engineering
attacks – Gilad Zinger, Yemin Family
Unleashing the power of AI: Navigating the benefits,
challenges and risks – John Boles and Danielle Valkner,
Why AI will not eliminate the traditional advisor –
Andrew Evans, Rossby Wealth and Rossby Financial;
A privacy plan for your family office – William Roberts,
Day Pitney;
What can we learn from highly mature cybersecurity
programs? – Tim Schnurr, Inquisitive IT;
Addressing the threat of AI to physical security –
Elizabeth Buckley, Praetorian, and Tristan Flannery, Orbital
Risk; and
From risk to resilience: Strategies for cybersecurity in
family offices – Dale Buckner, Global Guardian, and Ileana
van der Linde, JP Morgan.
To obtain a copy of the report, click on this link.