The Bahamas And Resilience Through Testing Times – Latest Report

This is a mini-series on The Bahamas Financial Services Industry.
This news service is pleased to announce the publication of a fresh report on the Bahamas which covers lessons learned and applied during the pandemic.
The second edition of the report, entitled Fund Administration and The Impact of the Pandemic, follows this one: Investments – the Search for a Safe Harbour.
This report argues that when Covid-19 struck an “ill-prepared world,” this did not stop The Bahamas’ financial sector from innovating.
In fact, as the jurisdiction continued to diversify its products and met client needs, it ensured that the investing experience, far from declining, actually improved.
The report explains how professionals at financial firms activated their business continuity plans and adapted to the new world of virtual meetings.
Consequently, the lockdown has created a new cohort of individual investors. The report said that “skittish investors” across the world are turning to The Bahamas for financial products and services to help them escape the inflationary trap that is closing around them.
Elsewhere, the report examines how crypto-funds as an asset class are becoming important. With this in mind, the Government of The Bahamas has recently issued a white paper on the future of digital assets. Large players in the crypto-space have made The Bahamas their home.
The report also touches on themes such as the continued rise of exchange-traded funds, noting, among other details, how ETFs linked to commodities have risen sharply amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine which has sent certain prices rocketing.