People Moves
Who's Moving Where In Wealth Management? – iPipeline, Argent

The latest moves and appointments in wealth management in the Americas.
iPipeline, which
provides digital solutions for the life insurance and financial
services industry, has appointed a new chief executive, Pat
O’Donnell, taking over from interim CEO Deane S Price.
Price, who has been in the post since February, joined the business after more than 10 years at another tech firm, Aderant, where he was CEO. Price is staying on at iPipeline as an advisor.
O’Donnell will be responsible for the global iPipeline organization and will report to Satish Maripuri, group executive, at Roper Technologies (US-listed parent of iPipeline and Aderant).
Prior to this new role, O’Donnell served as CEO of Ministry Brands, a provider of software and services for faith-based, non-profit, and other purpose-driven organizations.
iPipeline, which operates in the US and UK and was set up in 1995. It serves more than 49 million people, and is used by over 100 insurance carriers, and providers, and more than 2,500 broker-dealers, financial institutions, brokerage general agencies, and others.
Argent Trust Company
Trust Company, a subsidiary of Argent Financial Group, has
appointed Michelle Canerot as a trust officer for the funeral and
cemetery trust division.
Canerot will serve Argent’s clients by assisting with trust and administration for the firm’s funeral and cemetery trust business line. She will be responsible for administering accounts for funeral and cemetery trusts as required by applicable state regulations. Canerot will report to Jack Hirsch, senior vice president of funeral and cemetery trust division.
(A funeral trust as “a pooled income fund” set up by a funeral home or cemetery to which a person transfers property to cover future funeral and burial costs.)
Prior to Argent, Canerot served as a trust manager for Service Corporation International. She has been a financial executive for over 25 years, and has experience in accounting/finance, auditing, budgeting, contract and trust administration, software implementations, due diligence, and regulatory compliance.