Family Office
FOX President Leaves

John Benevides, president of Family Office Exchange, has left for a new post after being in his current role for more than five years, this publication has learned.
It couldn’t be immediately determined what firm he has joined. Calls to FOX yesterday evening were not returned as Family Wealth Report went to press.
Benevides launched several new member services and greatly expanded the role of research at FOX during his tenure, according to his FOX bio. He was appointed president of the organization in June 2005. Benevides was previously managing director for the financial services group and membership organization, the Corporate Executive Board.
Earlier this week FWR reported that FOX hired Thomas Reilly from Omnium as chief operating officer to oversee daily operations and guide digital initiatives. The COO post appears to be a new one at FOX.
As reported back in June, Family Office Exchange said it wants to expand beyond just families. Benevides told this publication in an interview that the firm is focusing more on wealthy individuals who do not have a family office. He said that FOX’s move to “transmitting the breadth of our knowledge to a broader market,” will include an increased presence abroad and in New York City.
FOX has more than 500 members in 22 countries.