People Moves
Alternative Assets Consultancy, Advisory House Appoints MD In New York

This publication provides latest news on moves and appointments in the international wealth management business.
California-headquartered strategic advisory and consultancy Berkeley Research Group has appointed former KPMG senior manager Michael Athanason. He takes on the role of managing director and is based in New York.
In his new role, Athanason will lead the private funds group valuation team. He brings over 25 years of valuation and corporate finance advisory experience. At KPMG, Athanason was the US national leader of the alternative investments valuation practice, and he was previously the global leader of Duff & Phelps’ alternative investment valuation Services business.
Athanason specializes in advising on valuation and value management of alternative asset portfolios and has helped clients plan and carry out acquisition, restructuring, recapitalization and financial reporting projects.
Berkeley Research Group provides advice, data analytics, studies, expert testimony, investigations, transaction advisory, restructuring services, regulatory and dispute consulting to Fortune 500 corporations, private equity and hedge funds, pension funds, financial institutions, major law firms and regulatory bodies.